My friend took my picture today, while we were taking these pictures, my friend who is normally a curmudgeon, turned into pure love as he opened to his camera. It was a moment I will never forget.
Passion is what this rant is about.
He became passionate, his vibration rose, he shined and there was not a negative vibration the whole experience.
I know this particular friend is afraid of failure, fearful of stepping outside of himself to do more, to be more to open to his true potential, to actually photograph from this vibration, he opens to it randomly and it is beautiful. Fear of opening himself in this vulnerable place is holding him back. He closes "it" down because it is easier not to live from this passionate place. To be stuck in the ho-hum world. Where we are not vulnerable but rather dull and sometimes angry.
Somewhere in my friends life someone told him doing what he loves for a living will change what he loves.
Someone else told him the economy is bad and not to bother looking for a job in photography, it was just too hard out there.
Carrying this energy, this fear into his little side jobs, has made them seem to fall apart, he takes it to his heart, and then says ya "those" people were right.
How many of you out there have lost your passion at the hands of a fib. However it spreads, in your mind, how do we overcome that which we fear. I'm not good enough... I'm not qualified... That person is better than I and they failed... I'm not skinny enough... I'm not happy enough... My hair is not perfect... My teeth are crooked... the list goes on...
I tell you how you get over this, find your passion again! The love, let it grow and find some peace. Peace in your mind so when the nasayers in your life say it can't be done, especially the naysayers in your thoughts, you have the peace of mind to call there fib.
Pass I On...
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